ESPN Major League Baseball

Description from MobyGames

ESPN Major League Baseball is the successor to Sega's World Series Baseball 2k3. Back are all of the game play modes from last years release: exhibition, playoffs, season, and franchise. Additionally, gamecast, duel, situation and GM career have been added to the game.

In gamecast mode, you can manage and watch a game as it progresses, make substitutions and then jump into the action when you want to.

In duel mode, you'll pick a pitcher and hitter and duke it out against the computer to see who can get the most hits and who can throw the most strikes.

In situation mode, you can set the field up how you want to and change a number of settings like how many players on base to what inning it is and who is up to bat so you can figure out your ultimate 'what-if' scenario.

In GM career mode, you'll need to run a franchise while keeping your owner happy. Got an owner who is financially conscious? He'll want you to make sure you hire only moderately priced players and do reasonably well. Get a maverick, and you'll get a longer leash, a bit more money, but the added pressure of needing to take your team to the playoffs.

All 30 MLB teams are included with their stadiums along with 16 different all-star teams. It also has 6 classic stadiums and a team made up of the greatest players of all time. Each team also has a number of alternate and throwback jerseys. Also, new is the ESPN authentic feel in the form of graphics and play break downs. Get a particularly nice strike out and you'll get to see the trajectory with ESPN K-Zone. Strike someone out three times in a row and Rex Hudler and Jon Miller will applaud you for a job well done.

You can also use the Xbox version to grab the latest roster or play against someone online in an exhibition game.


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Rank Name Rating
1 vipermetcalf 516
2 BirdUp101 284
3 Bobdagr8 216
4 PhooFyy 189
5 Camel 189
6 mrtommyboy 189
7 HoRnEyDvL 147
9 MakerKJS 70
10 Casuallynoted 42
11 Tuna 23
12 Rubbertoe 23
13 xDooZyy 23
14 Flowsopher 21
15 NACHO 12
16 XxSilen0ZxX 0
17 arielsounds92 0
18 Player1Login 0
19 xicat487 0
20 flow 0
22 scouser02 0
23 StarvingArtist 0
24 Evan 0
25 Itsthinking 0
26 HammrThyme -37
27 Jrolling2003RGX -37
28 WitsEnder -57
29 Demon27248 -60
30 pumu42 -81
31 pumu43 -100
32 Rike -100
33 jrolling2003 -100
34 Nardokrazy -100
35 Turbociv79 -160
36 pumu44 -300
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