Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II

First released on Dreamcast, Phantasy Star Online is the first Online RPG released on consoles.

Players can join a party of up-to 3 other players to complete quests and fight enemies in real-time action RPG combat.

This game's online service is provided by an external partner; you have the choice of two servers: Schthack or Sylverant. You will be asked which service you wish to connect to the first time you launch the game.

Please familiarize yourself each before selecting where to play, and be aware of any server specific rules.

  • This game is sensitive to modification: patches applied by hdd ripping tools may prevent you from playing online.
  • This game has a Japan exclusive public beta: this version of the game is not supported, you must use the retail release.

Xbox Players

Server Players
Schthack 3
Sylverant 0 1
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